Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wannabe Writers #1

Wannabe Writers is an Internet writing group hosted by Sarah at Confessions Of The Unpublished. Anyone is welcome to join. It's a place to meet other writers, ask questions, and get feedback. Basically, you post about your current writing progress, problems, and she asks a question she needs help answering. Go check it out!

Where I am in the writing process: Somewhere between 5000 and 5500 words. I've been editing and rewriting, so the number goes down and then back up again.

My current problem(s): I have a problem with details. Sometimes I tend to just write out a scene, barely adding in any tiny details, just mostly dialogue. I've been trying to take some writing advice I read under advisement--focusing on the senses (sight, sound, smells, taste, touch). And making sure characters are believable and real. I need to write out character descriptions to help with this. Right now, I'm going through what I've already written, deleting and writing something different here and there. Not really adding anything new. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. When I get to the next chapter, everything will be set and understood. And I need that to move on.

This week's question: Is the love at first sight thing in Twilight really so bad? It depends on the story honestly. There are some real life cases of love at first sight, so I don't think it's fair to toss it out because some people think it's absurd. Sometimes it is the glue that holds a story together, and sometimes it just makes the story less believable. You just have to weigh the pros and cons of going each way.

Until next time!


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