Thursday, September 1, 2011

Update Thursday #22

Update Thursday #22

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.


Reading, Writing...

Books I finished this week:
~Heart On A Chain by Cindy C. Bennett (Summer Romance Challenge)

Books I'm reading now (and some still):
~Persuasion by Jane Austen (Summer Romance Challenge)
~The Grand Escape by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
~Virals by Kathy Reich
~Portal by Imogen Rose 

Due to, ahem, a little bit of a distraction (more on that below), I accomplished very little in both aspects this week. Although I am almost done with my wildlife research for another future novel. It's pretty interesting stuff, and it will be perfect for the story. Thank goodness, those books are due back at the library very soon. I am planning on giving myself a boot in the behind (possibly literally, since that seems to be the only way) to get back to writing. Otherwise I'm not living up to my word of finishing on time. I don't want to procrastinate longer.

I keep coming up with new ideas for the stories I'm not working on. This is frustrating, since I'd like to focus on the one book, finish that, THEN move on to a new one. I blame my weird dreams for these odd revelations. Seriously, I had this one scene happen in my dream, it was a really sweet scene, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So, I kept thinking about it, and kept thinking about it, and then came up with an epic story idea. I was able to use scraps of another story that I decided against because my feelings have changed on the person the story was originally surrounding. Now I still can't stop thinking about it. And it's becoming annoying because as much as I would like to start on it right after the current one, that would mean setting aside the other two ideas I have next in line. And I don't want to do that.

Talk about confusing. What to do, what to do... I think I'll just finish my current WIP, then see where my mind is by then.

And Otherwise...

My distraction... DO YOU EVEN NEED TO GUESS?! Gossip Girl Season 4..... FINISHED. Today, actually, right before I went online. As I was watching this season, I realized something... I need to start blogging about it. There are so many things I need to say but can't say without bringing out the blogger in me. There is just TOO MUCH to say! Too many thoughts swirling around in my head, too many jokes, too many quotes. I even started a chart of who dated/kissed who last night (at 2 AM) and it had me giggling like crazy. So anyways, I'm thinking about starting a once in awhile posting about Gossip Girl thoughts. Not necessarily "what happened on the episode last night" posts, but commentary in general.

I've gotta stop being obsessed with things.

Speaking of 'being obsessed with things'-slash-'TV series', it's that time of the year for me to go nuts... That's right, our favorite shows are releasing their last season to DVD. This means, I'll be onto some more TV on DVD marathons come mid-September to late-October. This also means, I will have no money by the end of October. Why are there so many good TV shows out there?! Why?!?! (Oh, and the TV shows I'm talking about are the following: How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Bones, Law & Order: SVU). Soon to follow the release of last season is the start of a new season. Since my work schedule is all messed up, I'll have to watch every one of my shows online the next day.

Took me a little bit longer than usual to get this up... I only had it half started last night.


PS: Don't forget the Giveaway!!! ;)


  1. Haha and that would be the reason I have so many WIP stories going at once! I have a dream and I run with it until the next dream comes along and then I run with that one and none of them ever seems to come to conclusion!

  2. Even though I try to not work on other stories, I still do. Like research and jotting down notes and writing out random dialogue ideas... I guess that's what happens when you're constantly being inspired!! I'm glad to be in good company. :)


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!