Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halfway Through NaNoWriMo--What are your thoughts?

I think this picture sums it up.

But seriously folks.

Oh man. I can't believe how insane this is! It's so awesome to be getting all these words out, but it is so exhausting! Sleep has eluded me numerous times.

Once I got to a certain point, I felt like my story needed to be changed. It became painful to keep writing when I wanted to go back and fix the problem. It just didn't feel right, you know? But I can't go back and restart, or delete and rewrite. I'll get behind! So frustrating.

But that's what next month is for!

I keep having to tell myself this. My neck hurts, my brain hurts, my body keeps telling me it wants to sleep... But I still feel accomplished. It's the most words I've ever written. And that feels great. Even though this draft is utter crap. LOL. I can go back through a whole first draft and fix all the broken and dissonant parts later...


That sounds awesome.

What do you think so far? Have you hit any slumps or high points? I want to hear about it!


PS:  My count is just above 25,000 as of 12:30 last night, so I'm ahead of myself today. I still have time tonight after work to tack on more. :)


  1. That's great! You're doing awesome! And I totally get the accomplished feel even thought is just a crappy first draft. I mean just writing everyday for the past 15 days is reason to celebrate for me! LOL I'm at 30k words right now and I feel powerful even though its mostly crap ^__^

  2. You guys are all crazy! ;) I tease. Hang in there. Love the Garfield picture.

  3. I'm about the same place -- hit 25,000 yesterday (a day early! yay, me!).

    And, yeah, what's up with the lack of sleep thing? I got up at 3am a few days ago because I dreamed a scene and had to write it!

    Joy's Book Blog

  4. I am right there with you Jessica! It's so much more exhausting than I thought it would be. Aside from being ill prepared, I didn't realise the pressure of sticking to word count would be so bad. I think I'm a a point where it's making me sick. Have gotten two colds in the last few weeks. Urgh! I am, however, proud that I've been able to keep writing no matter how tough it gets. I've written 25,000 as well and most of it is mush and there are heaps of things I want to change but like you, once I get started I bet I will get all obsessive and OCD about it and will stop writing. Right now I'm entering the middle part of my book (the part that I couldn't write a plot for because I hadn't come up with anything!) so it's slowing me down. I'm looking forward to reading some of what my NaNo buddies have written though...hint hint.

  5. Amy: Congrats on the 30K! :) It does make you feel powerful, doesn't it?

    Sarah: Thanks! :)

    Jenny: Garfield is awesome. :)

    Joy: I've totally dreamed out scenes before, it is so great. I always worry I won't be able to get it all out before I forget it. :P

    Lan: Same here, I did not expect how exhausting it would be. Plus my hands are starting to hurt. And I have a headache right now... Lol. I think once I get it all out, I'll take a break from it, but the obsessive part of me will want to fix all the problems ASAP. Could that hint hint be for me? ;) I'll find a section to share soon!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!