Thursday, January 29, 2015

Review: Everly After by Rebecca Paula

Title: Everly After
Author: Rebecca Paula
Published: October 21st 2014
Source: Copy given by author for honest review
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
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Caution: May contain spoilers
All truths burn bright and clear. I’m still waiting in the dark.

Everly Monteith has traded her life of glitter, parties, and self-destruction for waitressing at a Parisian cafĂ©. She’s put the tragedy that sent her across the Atlantic in the past—until her toxic ex shows up and sends her reeling once more. Her fresh start begins slipping away until a smug British war correspondent crashes her party. But falling for Beckett means letting down her guard, something that might pull them both into the dark.

There are beautiful lies in this world, and it takes me being chased through a hallway at a rave to decide this girl is one of them. But even the most beautiful lies aren’t worth chasing.

Twenty-five-year-old Beckett Reid is forced into sabbatical after being kidnapped on assignment in Afghanistan. Back in Paris, he locks himself away to work on a novel, focused on saving his budding journalism career. But when he meets an enigmatic American heiress, his plans are quickly neglected. Everly is the perfect replacement for dangerous war zones, even if she does leave glitter on everything he owns. Reckless and wild, she runs through life making more mistakes than anyone he’s met, but Beckett is determined to fight for her, even if he must face the messy truth that he must fight for himself first.

*This New Adult romance is recommended for readers 18+ due to mature content.*

My Thoughts:

When I first started reading this, I was a little wary. It's difficult for me to get into a story if the main character is a little hard to like. But as I kept reading, seeing events unfold, seeing Everly exposed, I was drawn into the story. I wanted to see where everything was leading.

Beckett and Everly were a perfect pairing. He could see beyond the outer shell, into the person Everly truly was. I really liked that. Over time, they become close, and things get romantic. Which means--SWOON! There's still a lot of things below the surface that need to be faced by both of them, separately and together. The journey--while bumpy--was lovely and realistic. Not just tied together with a bow and faked to make the reader happy. It was believable, and those are the kind of love stories I enjoy.

Everly After is one of those rare love stories. When I was thinking of this review, the first word that came to mind was "daring". This book is daring: the story, the potential love, everything. Rebecca Paula managed to make this hard to like character one that you want to root for. And she gave us a swoonworthy love interest. Bonus points! I can't wait to see what else she has in store.

My Rating:


  1. Yay I didn't realize you'd read this! I kept meaning to ask if you'd read it yet. Anyway, 'daring' is a good word for this book for sure. It takes major guts to write a character that's such a hot mess, that people probably won't like, but that's somehow redeemable. Not everyone would be able to look past Everly's faults, and while she drove me crazy, I appreciated how realistic she was. Plus Beckett was seriously swoony! Great review.

  2. I have a hard time with books where I can't quite like the main character. If it's fine just right though it can be great.

    1. I understand the need for characters that are difficult to like, it gives us variety, but sometimes I just want to smack them, lol. If they can redeem themselves, then I can get into the story. :P


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