
Monday, February 27, 2012

Oops, I forgot to update that...

Remember when I was talking about being a perfectionist? The weird thing is, I’m not always like that. If you would take a look at my room right now, you would find boxes and plastic totes stacked up along with wall art leaning up against it. How can I stand it? I couldn’t tell you. It bothers me to no end to see my room in disarray but somehow I tolerate it.

When it comes to my blog, I’ve spent a lot of time organizing and changing things. I am actually pretty happy with the way it has turned out. There are still some things that could use some work but I don’t have the patience (or technological knowledge) for it.

One thing that I am the worst at is keeping up with my tabs and reviews on other sites. I’ll have a giveaway going on and forget to post a link to it in my Giveaways tab. Then I’ll forget to take it down when it’s over. When I schedule a review on here, I try to post it on Goodreads when it goes live. I remember to do this maybe half the time. I’m in a constant state of facepalm trying to remember to post everything when it needs posting.

So! I’ve decided to get more organized. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down all my reviews on it, including ones I’ve finished but haven’t posted on this site. I included along the edges spots to check off for when I’ve posted the reviews on every subsequent site I want them on (adding them to Amazon and B&N is a good thing to do, especially for the indie authors, also Smashwords where possible). This way I can (eventually) get caught up, then once I am, I can take the checklist with me when I log on to mark it off as I schedule reviews. I’m also going to do the same with my tabs--another paper with a checklist to go over every morning I log on to link everything and update finished books on my challenges, etc.

How do you guys remember to post everything where it needs to be posted? Do you keep your blog tabs up to date or get to it sometime later when you think about it?



  1. You crack me up Jessica. I don't keep up with my other review places at all. In fact, I always forget to put the reviews I do on my own reviews tab! It's just so much to remember on top of writing blog posts and normal writing and real life...

    1. The only reason I want to is to help support the authors, mostly the indie ones that need the extra feedback. It is a lot to remember, that's why I can never remember, LOL. Now, let's see if I remember to add a link to this post in my articles tab... :P

  2. Gosh, I am so disorganized right now! My art/customs website needs updating, deviant needs updating. I completely gave up on posting my reviews on sites other than the blog and goodreads because I just can't keep up. And I still need to update the tabs on my blog! So when you are done organizing all your stuff you can take a shot at mine :P

    1. I am such a mess everywhere online. As much as I'd like to get everything together, I just don't have the time anymore. If I need to do it, I will, just not now. Lol. Hmm... maybe I can give it a shot for ya. ;)

  3. Does this mean that review of The DUFF is finally going to be posted? ;)

    1. It's been up! You must've missed it. Here's a link:

    2. Crap! I've been waiting and waiting, how the heck did I miss it?! Argh, K, I'm off to read it. :)

    3. No worries! I do the same thing all the time. :P


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