
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Update Thursday #45

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.



Books I finished this week:

Books I'm reading now (and some still):
Beautiful by Amy Reed (TBR Pile Challenge)
Divergent by Veronica Roth (TBR Pile Challenge)

89 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (5 this week)


Instead of working on the next chapter, I decided to work on a FUN scene. You know which one that would be. (*wink wink nudge nudge*) I started with the spot leading up to it and then hit the moment when it initially happens. As I was writing it, I realized that I needed to add more to what was going on around them. So I'm going to start a page in my notebook to come up with descriptive words and details of what's going on in different scenes. My scene just felt like it was lacking substance. It was too focused on the MC and her thoughts. Difficult part of writing in first person. Plus, I'm more of an emotion person than an observer. And this needs to change.


I have a new obsession. It's the TV show Castle... AND... Nathan Fillion. I just found out last night that he's on Twitter. Needless to say, it made my day. I've been spending a little bit more of my free time catching up to the current season so I can watch like a real fan in real time. Thank goodness for Hulu!

Watching Castle has been great for my writing. They're constantly talking about writing and stories. I ended up picking up one of my books on mystery writing and think once I finish my first couple novels, I'll try my hand at a mystery.

Until next time...



  1. CASTLE! I think we've talked a bit about our love for that show. It's so funny, fun, and quirky. I've loved Nathan Fillion for years and I am still so tickled he's on such an amazing show. I marathoned the first three seasons (I think this is four? 3?) and that sucked because like you, I wanted to watch as it was airing.

    I'm glad you're writing AND working on a fun scene. :D It doesn't always have to be so serious, and writing out of order is something I sometimes do when the scene I "should" be working on just ain't happening.

    1. Yes we did talk about it! I actually just finished season 3 tonight, and they're in the middle of season 4 right now. Luckily, it's on Hulu--ALL OF IT--so I can catch up and be on track in another week. I never really knew much about Nathan Fillion until watching Castle. For years I wanted to watch Firefly--I watched the first episode when it premiered, but couldn't keep watching (back then my mom was extremely cautious about the stuff I watched on TV). Now I need to buy the series. Lol.

      I've always heard writing out of order can be a good thing, and it feels like it. The beginning can be so dull, and I don't want to make it more dull by not putting my heart into it.

  2. I've heard such good things about Castle. I need to watch it cause I love Nathan Fillion.

    1. I held back because I thought it was going to be really cheesy, but it's more quirky than cheesy. Definitely worth checking out sometime, especially because of him!

  3. Good on you for going the non conventional route and writing out of order. I am way too OCD to do that. I haven't seen any episodes of Castle as yet but I will surely give it a try now!

    1. I'm hoping the fun scenes can help me swing back to where I need to be in the beginning. It's a must watch series, I hope you can check it out soon!

  4. I L O V E Castle!!! It's such a fun show.



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