
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Update Thursday #46

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.



Books I finished this week:
Beautiful by Amy Reed (TBR Pile Challenge)

Books I'm reading now (and some still):

112 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (23 this week)


I started this list of my favorite things and dream things (things I would love to have someday, like a literal library room, etc). What does this have to do with my writing? Well, it's for the sake of adding authenticity to my main character. I want to take things I love and incorporate them into my books. I've already done so a little bit here and there, but it needs more.


I have this new found gif obsession. I blame Wetpaint for their awesome spoiler pages for my favorite shows--specifically Gossip Girl and Castle. On the GG page, they posted a gif of Dan/Blair (from Monday's preview of next week, HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER, how much I loved Monday's episode) and it made me want to look up MORE. So, I've collected a few fun ones. I want to share them, but don't want to be a spoiler of awesome shows. Here's one to tease you all that's found on this site here (I'd post the name of the site, but my blog is PG).

Until next time...



  1. I love Gossip Girl as well, thanks to Netflix :) I'm only on season three, but it's so intense. I'm not one of those girls who's life is like that though, I just seem to really like TV dramas haha :)

    1. It is intense! I blitzed through the first four seasons last summer and I loved every minute of it. I don't know what it is about TV dramas, because my life isn't like that either. Smaller dramas, yes, not crazy dramas. :P

    2. I love TV dramas! Degrassi is probably my favorite show and it's so dramatic it's unreal, but I have no idea why my favorite shows are like that haha :)

    3. I had a friend that was obsessed with Degrassi but I never had the chance to watch it myself. I was a big fan of The OC and Veronica Mars and stuck with those. ;)

  2. I really like the idea of your list! It will be a great help to you in fleshing out your main character more than he/she already is!

    1. I'm hoping so, it should make the writing more amusing too. :)

  3. K, one day I'm GOING to watch Castle. I really am! :)

  4. Great idea about incorporating something about yourself into your book. I keep saying that book characters don't seem to have hobbies for some reason.

    1. That's true. Whenever I read a book that has a character with a hobby, I seem to enjoy it more.


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!