
Monday, April 23, 2012

Question Of The Moment: Do you spread the word? (3)

As a book blogger, I’ve come to learn how quickly news of a book can spread in the blogosphere. One person posts on their blog about a book they have read. Their readers read this post. Some of them add it to their (oh-so-never-ending) to be read shelf. The whole process repeats itself. It doesn’t take long for many book lovers to hear about a good book.

Outside of the book blogging and Goodreads world, I don’t have many friends that read like I do. Until I started my blog, I didn’t have people to talk to about books. Then not long ago I let a friend borrow the book Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher since I believe the book has a powerful message that everyone needs to hear. She loved it. We ended up getting into an interesting discussion about how society views depression and suicide. It felt good to actually talk about a book with someone I know in person. I let her borrow Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver after that. I hope she enjoys that too so we can continue to talk about books.

How about you?

Do you share the love of a book with friends in real life? Do you give your non-obsessive reader friends a little bit of a nudge to read a good book? Do they ever read it?


PS: I thought I had scheduled this last week, but I didn't because I had not found a picture yet. *facepalm* Anyways...


  1. I do spread the word. the more people who know about books, the better, I think. I'm lucky enough to have some RL friends who love to read and so we're always swapping recs. I'm sure it gets a little old for the ones who don't, but at least they're getting some exposure to great books! :D

    1. That's great! You never know who will be interested, even if they aren't avid readers. And those who aren't avid readers can become such when they get recommended great books by you. :)

  2. I try to spread the word, definitely...if a book is good, and I know someone who I think there is a remote chance that they might like the book, I'm going to tell them about it. If someone asks me what I've read recently...I'm that annoying girl who goes on a 5 minute tangent about ALL the great books I've read recently. That's how people get introduced to new/awesome books!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

    1. I would love to be like you! I don't usually get into many conversations about reading, even though I wish I did since it's such a big part of my life. Part of it is probably my tendency to being shy and not drawing attention to myself. :P

  3. Ha. I LOL'd when I saw this topic. If you don't read books in real life I would be the most annoying person of all time. I'm constantly walking up to people at work, dropping books on their desks, saying "read it" and walking away! I think I do it because like you there's really noone in my life who is an avid reader and the ones who are tend to read non fiction. I try to choose book I think other people would enjoy regardless of their taste but it's hard when people don't usually read. Still, I've pushed THG on heaps of people and they all loved it!

    1. Hahaha! I love it. I should totally start doing that. I attempted to get a coworker to read a book a few years back, but she just never could get into anything fiction. It's so weird to me. I need to get more of my friends to read The Hunger Games, but surprisingly quite a few of them have read it already, which is awesome. :)

  4. I do spread the word, especially the authors and books that I love. I am sure that I drive my husband and friends & family crazy. I share a lot about books and authors that I love. I have even got some of my co-workers reading. Right now I am passing the 50 Shades series around. I have all 3 books. First I read them, now my sons kindergarten teacher is almost done with book two. My friend is reading book 1 and then my manager at work is going to read them when she is on her flight to Vegas in a couple of weeks. I also share and spread the word or facebook and twitter. I love to promote what I love and that is reading. Anytime my friends or family have a book question, they call me. Love to show authors love and appreciation of their good work.

    1. I spread the word more online than off. I try to retweet as many posts about good books as I can. There are so many great authors out there and they definitely need to be shown how much we love em! It's great that you've been able to get people reading and that you're passing books around to them. :)

  5. Outside of the book blogging world, I'm surrounded by a lot of reluctant readers. I was able to get many family members to read The Hunger Games trilogy and that was a success. Since my best friend and I are miles apart I really don't have anyone to talk about books in person.

    1. It's good your best friend loves books even if you can't talk about it in person. A lot of people have been able to pass on The Hunger Games to real life friends, I love it!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!