
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Update Thursday #53

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.



Books I finished this week:
Survival by A.M. Hargrove (E-Book Challenge)

Books I'm reading now (and some still):
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (Classics Challenge)

266 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (32 this week)

Well, I bought more paper to print my first draft, but need to buy the ink tomorrow so I can print it out. I was reading on an author's blog the other night about naming everything in your story before you start writing it otherwise you'll find yourself stopping abruptly trying to come up with names for things you forgot to name, etc. I feel this is definitely necessary for me to do now. I discussed it before on another UT post, but didn't really get anywhere with it. I have a ton of index cards (for coming up with and tracking names of things and my characters) and have gotten some colored ones to help organize the order of thoughts (especially those pesky flashbacks). So, I suppose I didn't get far this last week.


I have a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!! So excited. And I talked to my boss about me looking for another job, and since then he's been trying to do things to lessen my stress at work (including lowering my hours). Too little, too late. But I do appreciate it. In any case, I'm spending this weekend catching up on EVERYTHING (including organizing all the writing things mentioned above). I need to get these things taken care of and not waste time like I usually do. I will hopefully have some friends from out of town coming over Saturday night, which will definitely brighten my day. So, this weekend will be great times ten!

Speaking of which, I'm posting this so I can go DO things that need done! ^_^

Until next time...



  1. Jessica, you're so organized! I know your book is going to be awesome. How can it not be with that much thought and time put into it? Have fun this weekend!

    1. You're so sweet! Thank you. ^_^ I will definitely have fun. :)

  2. Gosh, I'm so glad I can print my book at work because I can't imagine what the cost of buying paper and ink would be! Hope you have a relaxing four day weekend! Mine went so quickly! But that's always the way.

    1. I know. My boss is usually okay with me printing stuff but that's only like a handful of pages at most. Oh, my weekend went too quickly, as they always do, but it was fun. :) Can't wait until I have another four day weekend!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!