
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Update Thursday #59

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.



Books I finished this week:
Books I'm reading now (and some still):
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins (TBR Pile Challenge)
384 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (13 this week)

It looks like I'm reading too many books, LOL. I just figured I should put them all up since I'll be reading them while on vacation at some point. Save myself some time.



I never got around to doing ANY writing before leaving for vacation. However, I bought The Emotion Thesaurus and started to browse through it at work. Totally helped add some to my characters in my novel. I took notes in my phone to write it out later. And then I wrote them out. And wrote part of that scene I've been wanting to write. And THEN I got The Emotion Thesaurus out again and came up with some more aspects to add to scenes. I'll probably add those in later on. I've been relaxed enough to get some good writing out. I love it. ^_^



Well, I am on vacation, and I've been really good about not going online much. There are just those moments when you don't have anything else to do. I've been having a GREAT time. Working on the plans to go to the beach, possibly Saturday. We'll be going to a downtown music and dance fest with our friends Friday night. I get to go shopping for a dress for it in the morning. Then we'll have our friends come out to our lake house to hang out Sunday afternoon. Even just chilling out around the house is a lot of fun. I was able to write for my story, plus I did a little bit of free writing too. I don't want to go home. At all. I just love this feeling. Relaxing and stress free. Oh my goodness. It is awesome.

Oh, and I joined Pinterest! So follow me on Pinterest. And I'll love you. ^_^

Until next time...



  1. I'm glad you're having fun! That is a lot of books, Jessica, don't overwhelm yourself. ;)

    1. Lol, I'm only really reading two of them, I just listed everything I have with me. :P

  2. That's a gigantic stack of book there! Go easy on yourself. I read zero books on my vacation :) What is this Emotion Thesaurus you speak of? Where can I get me one? Love the pics of the boys you love on your pinterest :)

    1. The Emotion Thesaurus, you can get an e-book copy on B&N or Amazon. Here's the author's site: I believe there should be a hard copy available at some point. I love those pics too. ;)

  3. I am SO glad you're having a good time! I've been thinking about you hoping you were having fun. Damn girl, that is a lot of books! lol I had no idea there were actually Nikki Heat books. I just started watching Castle this season (although I got season 1 from the library today - so excited). I hope you continue to have an amazing, relaxing time. And I hope you'll share some pics! :-) <3 xoxo

    1. I know, I was so excited to see they made actual books in relation to the show. There's supposed to be books made of the Derrick Storm novels too. Castle is just awesome! I am having a great time, almost overdoing it with all the stuff we've done, but it's better than real life and work! ^_^ I will definitely be sharing some pictures on here once we get back. ;)

    2. You'll have to let me know how the Nikki Heat book is. And Derrick Storm ones, too? That is so cool. Castle really is awesome.
      I'm so glad you're having a good time! <3


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!