
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update Thursday #64

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.


On the Blog this week:



Books I finished this week:

Books I'm reading now (and some still):

487 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (30 this week)


~ If Only We ~ 26,912 ~
~ Before We Knew ~ 11, 449 ~
~ Whatever This Is ~ outlining ~

WOOT! Almost 3,000 words. Getting there. I set a higher goal for myself this week, but got preoccupied reading. I actually finished two books, but one of them isn't listed on Goodreads yet. It should be listed soon though.

Anyhow. I had some interesting thoughts while writing over the last week and decided to type up a post about writing. It will come up tomorrow (er, at 1:00 am, which is technically tomorrow, but will be here in a little over 12 hours).

There's one of my book ideas that I am constantly getting good ideas for. The only thing I haven't gotten an idea on is the TITLE. Once I brainstorm a good one, I'm gonna add it to the list above. I actually have a nice little beginning to the word count on it because I've written out a couple of the scenes. And now that I'm talking about it, I'm THINKING about and want to keep WRITING IT. Not good. FOCUS on ONE book, Jessica.



Um, same as usual. Working, looking for work, selling online. I have several packages to put together and ship out. My mom just pointed out there are some new flowers on a bush in our yard, so I'm gonna head out there and take some pictures.

I am kind of wanting to do something more on my blog. I haven't had many guest posts, on my blog or me visiting other blogs. So, note to followers: You want to guest post on this blog or have me guest post on yours? CONTACT ME. Here's my email: impulsivities[at]gmail[dot]com.

I'm actually thinking about putting together a little survey for my followers to see what kind of things they like and don't like and would like to see on my blog. That way I can have a better idea of how to continue on with my blog. I would like to have more consistent posting. There are some weeks I'm missing three days in a row until the next new post comes. Also, I've got plenty of ideas, but I want to execute them well. What do you think? You wanna do a survey? If you do, I'll get it typed up and posted this weekend.

Until next time!



  1. YAY look at those word count numbers!!! And finished two books this week, you have been super busy. Didn't we talk about guest posts ages ago? I really need to write things done once in a while ;)

    1. I think we may have at some point. We totally need to. I just get so caught up in other things that I forget. Not only that but my brain sometimes can't come up with good topics to guest post about, lol. :P

  2. I'd love to be more consistent on my blog as well but it's hard to juggle everything going out in real life! Great news about all the writerly goodness going on. Can't wait to read your post on writing. I struggle with titles too. In fact, sometimes that's all I do all day. Think up titles!

    1. It's hard to do everything you want to for your blog, especially with us trying to write books too! I started to search around for inspiration for titles today, still nothing. :P

  3. Sure, I'd love to do a survey. Way to go on the writing. I have that problem with focusing on one story at a time too. Sigh!

    1. I'll have to come up with some questions then! :)


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