
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Update Thursday #68

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading, with writing, and beyond. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.


On the Blog this week:

  • The indie author panel tackles Book Trailers in the seventh installment of my blog post series, The Journey of Self Publishing.
  • My review of The Unquiet by Jeannine Garsee.
  • See the pictures from my Zoo Trip last month!
  • Don't forget to fill out my blog survey. I want to know what you think of my blog and what kind of things you like and don't like on blogs. ^_^



Books I finished this week:

*looks around* ~none~ *oops*

Books I'm reading now (and some still):

577 of 1026 E.E. Cummings poems finished (30 this week)


~ If Only We ~ 30,010 ~
~ Before We Knew ~ 11, 449 ~
~ Whatever This Is ~ outlining ~
~ Under Enchanted Skies ~ 1,550/plotting ~
~ Beyond The Horizon ~ plotting ~
~ So I Thought ~ plotting ~
~ Hold Your Breath ~ plotting ~

Well! Didn't do a thing. I wanted to, but I had more pressing things to do. (See below in Otherwise) One thing that DID just happen is I won a five page critique from an author. Score! So I'll be getting some feedback on my writing. Maybe that will boost my enthusiasm a bit.

I was just reading this article on YA Highway and it seems to sum up how I feel at this point of my novel. Mostly the 'somewhere in the middle things get difficult' part. I am enjoying writing, but it's gotten harder with the little things I need to include to get the story to progress. Hence the index cards and calendar from last week. I've got scene ideas to include as filler (not like wasteful scenes that do nothing for the story, but those tiny scenes that fill in the blanks so that you don't have your story skip a whole week to get to the next important scene), but using them to fill in almost seems... like a speed bump? All I really have to do is rewrite it out better, maybe even cut part of it down. But, it's frustrating nonetheless.



It's been a busy week since my last update, mostly trying to get caught up on everything. My long "To Do" list is still long. And my room is still a mess. And I have online sales and listings to take care of. I'm hoping to get half of the stuff on that list crossed off by tomorrow night. INCLUDING finishing a book AND something to do with my writing, probably writing on the index cards. So... I'm gonna sign off and take care of this list!

Until next time!



  1. Um, congrats on the critique! That's a huge deal. Do you know how many people you were competing against?
    I don't know how you can read four books at a time and do all that writing (plus the poems). I'm on like my 8th full revision of my manuscript...that's on the agenda for today, though blogging is proving more than distracting. You'll get through it and hash out those details! Good luck.
    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction

    1. Thanks! The author is offering critiques every week, so I've been entering for a few weeks. I'm not sure how many people entered, but I'm super excited to win.

      I usually focus on one or two. I like having some to fall back on in case the one isn't as good. Wow! Hope you can get to that manuscript. My revisions are much slower as of late. Thanks for stopping by! :D

  2. I'm on the filler stuff of book 3 right now. I'm really close to finishing, and I figure I have 2 big, important scenes left, plus the ending, and the rest is just getting there and filling in the blanks, which is tedious. How much is too much, how much is not enough? I find myself writing a lot of dialogue and wonder if it's too much, but it all has a purpose, you know? You'll get there. Take care of other stuff so your mind is free to write and not worry about other things you need to do.

    1. Thanks Marie! Exactly what I'm thinking. When I have too much going on around me, I just can't sit down and write. Sometimes I can if it's just a few little things that can wait. But, you're right, not know how much is too much or not enough. Always a struggle. I'm hoping to get it all plotted out better in the next couple weeks with my chart. And hopefully suggestions from the critique! :)

  3. Good luck getting everything done, girl! Also, I totally know what you mean re: the writing. Just take your time adding in those scenes! And although it CAN get difficult, just remember why you love writing, maybe take a day or two off, then come back fresh!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

    1. Thanks sweetie! I'm thinking that's a good idea, I need to think it out a little more. Those scenes are troublemakers. :P

  4. Woohoo! Congrats on winning the critique.

    I can totally empathize. What if you figured out a way to make writing the filler rewarding? Like if you write so many filler scenes, or write up to the next big scene, you get to write something you're excited about?

    1. That's a good idea! Or maybe just reward myself with chocolate... lol. That's probably what I would do if I finished one of those scenes! :P

  5. You're reading For Darkness Shows the Stars? Oh my gosh, don't you just LOVE it?? :D I never thought it would be that amazing because I honestly never read anything by Jane Austen before in my life, but it ended up blowing me away with the whole genetic manipulations thing! (Plus, the romance made me want to swoon off my feet <3)

    I'm mentally sending you good wishes and luck with your to do list, Jessica! Writing isn't as easy as everyone thinks, but index cards are such a good idea! I've never used them before, but if they work for you, I might have to start! ;)

    Have an amazing weekend! :) <3

    1. Oh I am so loving it! I'm hoping to finish it by the end of this weekend. You must see the movie Persuasion, the Masterpiece Theater one. It is AMAZING. The similarities between the two make it so enthralling. :)

      Thanks a bunch sweetie! I need all the help I can get. I hope they do work. I'm planning on putting together a post for the blog on the results.

      You too! :D

  6. Good luck on that list. Congrats on winning the critique, that should be fun!

    1. Thanks Jenny! I hope it will be good for my writing. :)

  7. Ha! I loved that post by YA Highway! Sums up exactly what I'm feeling right now about my own book. I think us writers put too much pressure on ourselves. I've been trying to step back from it all and give myself some space because if I agonise about it any more I am not going to be able to write ever again.

    Awesome news about the critique! Hopefully it will give you some fresh ideas.

    1. We do put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Taking a break can be good at times. Keep us on our toes and help us to not get too overwhelmed.

      I hope so too! :D


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!