
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Update Thursday #73

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading and writing. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.


Books I Finished:

Books I'm reading:


~ If Only We ~ 30,010 ~
~ Before We Knew ~ 11, 449 ~
~ Whatever This Is ~ outlining ~
~ Under Enchanted Skies ~ 1,550/plotting ~
~ Beyond The Horizon ~ plotting ~
~ So I Thought ~ plotting ~
~ Hold Your Breath ~ plotting ~

The latest = I think I typed out one or two paragraphs altogether but I did plot out the next couple chapters. I just need to grab that notebook and write. I pulled up Before We Knew last night and started adding on to a scene because an idea to continue it came to mind. You know how that goes. I like writing out these little ideas, even though I know I'll have to rework it later when I'm actually plotting out the whole story.

I was just thinking yesterday about authors that tell their stories from an alternate character's POV (like how Stephenie Meyer was writing Midnight Sun, AKA Twilight from Edward's perspective, which, in my opinion, was a million times awesomer than the original, despite only being half done... but I digress...). It made me think about how much fun it would be to tell some of my stories from a different POV. Of course, taking on a whole retelling of the same book would be quite a task. So I thought about maybe writing novellas of the different perspectives. Not necessarily in all my stories, but maybe a couple of them when the character decides to speak to me.


Until next time!



  1. I like the idea of a different POV novella. I can't imagine writing a whole book from a different character's perspective, but a novella would be pretty cool. I wrote a short story (as a guest post) from Daisy's perspective, and that was fun so it'd probably be even more fun to go really in depth with it. It's something to think about if you're ever stuck with ideas, least then the characters and story are familiar.

    1. Exactly! A whole book would be so overwhelming. It would be a good writing exercise for me, since I'm so used to writing from one perspective, always female and younger. I need to break free from the usual. :)

    2. Challenging yourself is definitely good. You'd be amazed how breaking out of your comfort zone will help you grow as a writer. :-)

    3. That's what I'm thinking. I should try it out soon. :)

  2. I love the Jessica Darling series! Charmed Thirds was so good and I hope you're really enjoying it :)

    1. It's funny, I actually read this years ago right after it came out. For some reason, I wasn't too fond of it but now that I'm reading it again, I can see it differently and understand the reason behind certain parts better. Maybe it's because I'm older, I don't know, lol. :P

  3. Oooh you're reading Beautiful Disaster. Let me know how you go. It's such a contentious book. People seem to either love or hate it. I read the sample and it started to annoy me towards the end so I didn't buy the book.

    Writing novellas based on differed POVs from your story is a fantastic idea. Lots of writer's are doing it now and it's a great way to get people interested in your books. If I ever did this, I'd have to do it in third person because I am terrible at writing different character voices.

    1. I actually really liked Beautiful Disaster, but I can see the reasons why people didn't. If I would have just had a sample, I may not have wanted to continue. I'll try to get my review up soon, there's so much to say for it and against it. :)

      I don't know if I could do third person, reading it kinda frustrates me at times. I'm sure it would be good practice for me to try a short story in third person though!

  4. That alternate perspective idea is a good one. I'm going to have to think on that some more. :)

  5. Alternate perspectives could definitely be good practice, and fun to do. You might learn something new about your main character(s), too.

    1. That's what I was thinking! See my main character and the world from new eyes. :)


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!