
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Review: This Book Will Change Your Life by Amanda Weaver

Title: This Book Will Change Your Life
Author: Amanda Weaver
Published: September 28th 2015
Source: Copy given by author for honest review
Genre: New Adult Romance
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Caution: May contain spoilers
Take a chance and change your life…

College was supposed to be where Hannah’s hard work paid off, but the major in honors chemistry she’s been working towards since childhood is slipping away. Worse, she’s not sure she wants it anymore. Salvation comes from an unlikely place—a used bookstore and Ben, the passionate college senior who works there.

Ben’s trapped in a life mapped out for him. Trapped in a future career as a lawyer to make his father happy. Trapped pursuing a girl he doesn't even like because she fits into a world he doesn’t want, but can’t escape. But then he meets Hannah. And for the first time, he knows what it means to truly want something.

So he gives in to being her friend. Then to wanting her. Then to kissing her. And within the freedom of his impulsivity, both of their carefully planned lives begin to fall apart...
My Thoughts:

Oh my freaking goodness.

The second I started reading this book, I was in love. I seriously was. Usually it takes a little longer before I am fully invested in a book, but the first chapter captivated me so much, I was overwhelmed and wished I didn't have to go to bed!

Hannah finds herself caught out in the rain, so she walks into a used bookstore for shelter until it lets up a bit. She ends up talking to Ben, and convinces him to pick out a book for her. He picks one, she buys it and reads it, and thus begins their beautiful friendship. This, I believe, was what made the book amazing--their friendship. You can sense it moving into "something more" territory, but it never feels forced, ever. Your heart is right there with them as they explore the beginning of adulthood--deciding what they want from life and falling for each other.

This Book Will Change Your Life was by far one of the best books I've read in my life. Hannah and Ben's relationship was beautiful, like seriously beautiful. I loved watching them learn and grow and love. There was something about this book that made me feel like I was actually in the book, experiencing their experiences myself. I can't wait for more books by Amanda Weaver!

My Rating:


  1. nice to see a book living up to it's name :) glad you liked it!

  2. I love the way they meet. That's such a cute idea. Now I get the title of the book too.

    1. It was so adorable! It was the perfect book for bookish people to read. <3


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