
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Life goes on... Jessica's Wrap Up Post for 2015

2015. What a year. There were ups and downs, as there generally are every year, but for some reason 2015 seemed to take the cake when it comes to craziness. Not that the year was bad, just all over the place.

When it comes to reading and blogging, I met and exceeded my Goodreads challenge. I originally went into the year expecting to read at least 52 books. Then I bumped the goal up to 100... then to 200. I ended up reviewing more than 200 books as well, which is freaking amazing in itself. And I did a redesign on the blog, which I love.

At the beginning of 2015, I decided to be as positive as I can be. I've spent years dwelling on the negative, complaining about the bad things, and being a pessimist. I didn't want to keep that pattern going forever. So I started to post positive pictures on my Facebook author page so that I could focus on the positive more than the negative. I even began sharing some encouraging posts on Instagram, too.

Even though I wanted positivity to be my goal, there were times when negativity seeped in. I pressed on, though, because I didn't want to revert back to my old ways. All in all this year, I feel like I did pretty well staying positive.

Something I learned, which you can see at the top of this post, is that life goes on. I've always known that to be true, but it didn't truly sink in until recently. There may be bad days, we may have to face challenges, and it may feel like hope is lost... but it's not. The bad days are temporary, the challenges are temporary, and hope is never lost. No matter what happens to us, life goes on. We can pull through, stronger than before, and face a new day with our heads held high and our smiles on.

Thank you all for following me through the year!
Looking forward to another year with you all!



  1. I loved all your positivity this year! I failed miserably with my goal but there's always 2016, right?

    1. I'm so glad you loved it! :) I had my moments where I leaned toward being pessimistic and negative, but we all have room to improve. :)


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!