
Monday, September 24, 2018

Indie Spotlight on Nikki Godwin

This Indie Spotlight features Nikki Godwin,
one of my awesome author friends.

About Nikki

Nikki Godwin is a Young Adult author. Her books are usually about surfers, musicians, or M/M romances. She can't live without Mountain Dew, black eyeliner, and music by Hawthorne Heights. When not writing, she internet-stalks her favorite bands and keeps tabs on surf competitions. Her favorite surfer is Gabriel Medina. If you ever get her started on surfing or music, she'll never shut up. You've been warned.

Connect with Nikki online: 

Check out Nikki's Books

Saturn series:

Drenaline Surf series:

Bear Creek series:

Other books:

Go check out all her books on Amazon here!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!