
Monday, December 31, 2018

What I Read In 2018 and 2019 Reading Goals

It's been awhile again, hasn't it? I wish I could've been more active recently, but December kicked my butt in multiple ways. It was busier than I anticipated at work because of the new girl quitting and extra hours for the holidays. Then, of course, I had to get sick a few days ago. But I've recovered and it's going to be 2019 tomorrow! Yay!

I didn't read enough to reach my original goal of 27 books, but I did read 16 books, so I feel accomplished just the same. Below you'll find the list of books I read with links in the covers. It's my affiliate link in case you were wondering, if you're so inclined to buy a copy of any of the below books.

The Upside to Being Single by Emma Hart
The Academy: Introductions by CL Stone
Accepted by Athena Wright and Vivi Clarke
The Studying Hours by Sara Ney

Switch Hitter by Sara Ney
Marrying his Best Friend by Jennifer Gracen
Hard Rock Crush by Athena Wright
My Image of You by Melanie Moreland

Conflicted by Athena Wright and Vivi Clarke
Clam Jam by RC Boldt
Charmed by the Bartender by Piper Rayne
Hard Rock Kiss by Athena Wright

The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare
Only You by Marie Landry
The Christmas Company by Alys Murray
A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean

What are my reading plans for 2019? Haven't decided yet, but I do know I want to read more than I have been. Reading has always helped improve my writing, and getting immersed in a great book is such a great feeling. I might aim for 27 again this year and I really think I can manage that this time around.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for my special New Year's Day post! I'll be talking about my resolutions and goals for 2019 and my word of the year.

Until next time,

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