
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Indie Author Spotlight: ME Carter

Welcome to Indie Author Spotlight where I feature an indie author 
I've read and loved or one I really, really want to read.

Today's author is ME Carter

About the Author

My name is ME Carter and I have no idea how I ended writing books. I'm more of a story teller (the more exaggerated the better) and I happen to know people who helped me get those stories on paper.
I love reading (read almost 300 books last year), hate working out (but I do it anyway because my trainer makes me), love food (but hate what it does to my butt) and love traveling to non-touristy places most people never see.
I live in Texas with my four kids, Mary, Elizabeth, Carter and Bug, who was just a twinkle in my eye when I came up with my pen name. Yeah, I'll probably have to pay for his therapy someday for being left out.

The Books!

I'm an Amazon Affiliate which means I do get a small portion from when purchases are made through my link.

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