
Monday, March 23, 2020

My Thoughts... Living on my Own

On March 23rd 2013, I moved out on my own for the first time. I was 27 years old and both ready for it and not ready for it at all. My first apartment was the place where my perspective changed and I learned more about myself than I thought was possible.

Selfie from the first night at the apartment.

That first night was where two first times happened: The first time I slept somewhere alone and the first time I was the only person available to take care of a spider that came out of nowhere. In the coming weeks I had to learn how to do a number of things on my own, including laundry, cooking, baking, and making too many phone calls to get my utilities set up. Unpacking took forever, and I don't even think I ended up unpacking everything. It was an exhausting yet exhilarating time in my life.

First photo of me before we moved everything in.

That first apartment was probably my favorite. It was very new and had LOTS of space. I could work on numerous projects without having to worry about not having space to walk around. It was also the space where I finished writing and revising my first book, If Only We, not to mention the place I lived in when it was published. So, that apartment has a lot of memories attached to it, and I'd say they're mostly good memories.

One thing about me that some may not know is I'm very independent. I enjoy my alone time, so I thrived on living alone for two years. I kept myself occupied with my blog and with writing, not to mention marathoning TV on DVD and watching new movies since I lived around the corner from a movie rental place. I also discovered my favorite Chinese food place down the street that when I'm in the area I'll grab my sweet and sour chicken to go.

Selfie featuring my bookshelves after I got them set up.

I'm glad I made the decision to move out on my own when I did. It was a long time coming and while I was scared of being out there in the world alone, I knew it was what I needed. My wings were ready to spread out and I was prepared to fly for the first time.

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