
Monday, May 7, 2012

Question Of The Moment: How bad is your TBR pile? (4)

After seeing it done on the blogs The Book Shop Assistant and Fictional Distraction, I realized there was a necessity in doing this myself. So, I took some pictures.

Here is a picture of my shelves before pulling books I haven't read:

Here are *most* of my YA/Adult fiction novels.

It's a lot of books, but I did remove several of them to sell/trade/giveaway recently. So, how many of these do you think I haven't read yet? (Start placing your bets before you look at the next picture...)

Here is a picture of the books I haven't read yet:

I know, RIGHT?!

I couldn't believe it... The total of books I need to read is 81. EIGHTY-ONE. Of course, you have to take into consideration that I will buy several books in series I'm starting (like Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennen series and the Gossip Girl series). I like to snatch deals on series books when I can. Even if you take down those books, it's still a massive pile. And this isn't even counting the books on my Nook!!

Here's a close-up of the TBR pile:

See anything good in this pile that I am in dire need of reading next? I have a few in mind that I'm going to be taking with me on vacation middle of this month. I'd like to see if you guys recommend the same books. Which ones am I taking with me? You'll find out on a special post the day I leave for vacation. Muahaha!

And for the sake of amusement, here's what my shelf looks like minus the TBR books:


It's almost sad to see how many I have read versus haven't read. It'll be something I'll remedy soon enough. I've been slowly making my way through it. Working less helps. Plus my vacation will help too. We all go through this, don't we?

How about you?

How bad is your TBR pile? Does it just get worse and worse or have you tried to keep it down and read more?


  1. Hahaha ... this is NOTHING compared to my mountain ranges of unread books!! Fortunately not all of mine are physical copies (damn you free eBook downloads), but even with my current book buying ban AND reading plenty (I've read more than 50 books already in 2012) the stacks don't seem to shrink *sigh*.

    P.S.: I've got close to 400 unread books *cough*.
    P.P.S.: I hope you didn't just drop out of your chair, sorry about that ...

    1. Oh, free downloads. I usually end up avoiding them most of the time unless it's something I've heard of and want. I need to have a book buying ban!

      HOLY MOLY, that's a lotta books! LOL. I think mine would be a lot worse if I was requesting a bunch on NetGalley and going to the library. I haven't been there in at least 6 months! Hope you can find a way to get through that stack. ^_^

  2. I'm pretty sure mine is much worse than your pile... It just keeps accumulating for me. I'm not a fast reader and I win LOTS of books. Seriously, I don't even buy books anymore. I just win them... But my mojo is winding down so I might be able to get a scratch in my TBR lol

    1. Lol. Since the start of the year, my reading rate was at one book per week until more recently. And I purchased/won 40 books since then! I don't win too many, so I guess I can be thankful for that as far as keeping my pile down. It'll be great for you to be able to put a dent in it soon. :)

  3. Oh gosh, I don't even want to think about my TBR pile! After I pulled out the 50 books I wanted to read this year there still must be at least 150 left! The worst part is that the pile just keeps growing!

    1. I know! You do read quickly though, so that helps. We'll both be able to knock em down soon enough! :)

    2. haha the problem is that I keep downloading new books instead of reading the ones in my pile!! I am going to have to put myself on another book buying ban after finishing the current trilogy.

  4. Yeah, mine is over 200 so you're doing great! It is overwhelming to see them all stacked together like that, isn't it?

    I think you should take Something Borrowed on your vacation because Giffin's books are so light and easy to read and don't take a lot of brain power.

    1. It is overwhelming! I was under the impression it would be more like 2/3 that size, lol. Something Borrowed, eh? That could definitely be a good one for vacation. :) Thanks!

  5. Wow. I could never take my tbr books off my shelves, I'm afraid of how it would look afterward. I'm not completely sure how many books are on my TBR list, physically it's at about 300. I'm currently trying to cut back on buying new books, of course that doesn't stop me from winning ones.

    1. My Goodreads TBR list is huge. I've tapered it down a bit off and on over the last year, but it's still astronomical. That's a lotta books! Hope you can get the pile down a bit. :)

  6. I do not like to think about my TBR pile. I have 20 alone on my kindle and those are the ones I bought and then my bookshelf wow um I don't even want to go there. I have a bad habit of saying i'm on a book buying ban but I still end up buying books because I can't stay off of Amazon and there are so many deals on books on there.

    1. Oh I know the feeling! I kept getting into that rut of spending $25 to get free shipping when all I *really* wanted was one book. I have a B&N membership, so I get free shipping on any order. If I want one book, I buy one book. It's helped a lot. :)

  7. I think that since October I've only bought one book, but some how my TBR pile keeps growing. Haha, it's great that I'm reading a ton more recently, but I don't think I'll ever catch up. According to my Goodreads account, which I keep pretty accurate, I still have to read 340 of the books I own, but that includes ebooks as well. *sigh* I just can't stop requesting/entering to win them, though.

    1. That's amazing that you've only bought one book. I am in awe at your ability to do so, I could never do it! I can't stop requesting/entering either. Reading is such an addiction. Or, well, wanting to read is, lol. :)

  8. Ohh, I love that Gossip Girl box! Your shelves look very pretty (: But yeah that's a big pile of books! I'm quite impressed that you actually took them out of your shelves, I didn't dare to do that (with my 117 books).

    Thanks for stopping by at my mountain post too (:

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews

    1. I love the boxed set. And thanks! Lol, I wanted to take 'em all out so I could visualize how big it really was rather than go by just numbers. :P No problem!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!