
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Review: Hana by Lauren Oliver

Title: Hana
Author: Lauren Oliver
Source: Purchased
Genre: Dystopian
Buy: Amazon ~*~ Barnes & Noble
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Caution: May contain spoilers

In the world of Delirium, love is a disease. And like all eighteen-year-olds, Lena and Hana must take the cure.

At the start of their last summer of freedom, they were the closest of friends. Until Hana made a decision that tore them apart... In Delirium, we heard from Lena. Now, Hana gets to tell her side of the story. And nothing is what we first thought.

Hana is a powerful, moving and beautifully told original eBook short story, with a shocking twist that will leave you with your heart in your mouth.

~synopsis from Goodreads

My Thoughts:

When I first heard this was going to come out, I was excited. I love to read from different points of view in relation to novels I loved. Delirium was one of my absolute favorites last year, so I had to snatch up Hana as soon as I could.

I liked the fact that we learn firsthand exactly what Hana experienced during the times Lena was dealing with other things. It was interesting to see how she viewed things, and how her thoughts shifted through time based on the things she learned. There were some noteworthy tidbits that we learn while seeing life through Hana’s eyes. Things you never would have realized. And the end was something unexpected and yet puts some pieces together with regard to Delirium.

It was nice to read this little novella from Lauren Oliver. I appreciated the differences between Lena and Hana. Plus it was a nice reminder of what happened in Delirium, since I read it right after it came out last year. It helped when I read Pandemonium, like a refresher course. For those who enjoyed the first book in the trilogy, Hana adds a new perspective to the series and is worth checking out.

My Rating:

Pretty Good: Stay up until your bedtime


  1. I can't believe how well these little novellas are doing! I still haven't read Delirium yet. :(

    1. These novellas were a great idea. You must read Delirium! :D

  2. I still haven't pick Delirium back up again after putting it down even though the writing was amazing. I might go and check it out. I love novellas right now. So quick and simple to read.

    1. Novellas are awesome. They are a nice quick read, and even more so when you're already familiar with the story. :)

  3. I need to go ahead and read/review this one because I've been dying to read Pandemonium. I just haven't had time. *tears out hair* I'm glad you liked HANA. Hopefully I will, too!

    1. OMG, Pandemonium was amazing. I hope you can get to it, and Hana soon! This series is epic. :)


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