
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Classics Challenge Review Link Up!

After one of the participants mentioned it to me, I realized I needed to have a link up for all the reviews related to the challenge! So, please add in your links below to the linky list to the reviews of all your Classics Challenge books. That way we can all read all of our Classic book reviews!

Under "Your Name" enter your name + the title/author of the book you reviewed. That way you can separate each different book that your review. ^_^

If you haven't joined The Classics Reading Challenge 2012, hey, there's still time! Here's a link to the sign up post

Thank you all for participating and have a great day!!! <3



PS: I am going to pull up all of your sign up posts and find your email addresses to link you to this review link-up. It may take me a little while to do so though, so bear with me. Thanks! :)


  1. Post my links! I went for level 2, which was 4-6 books. So far I've read 3 so almost there! But I didn't really adhere to the list of classics I made back in January haha.

    1. Lol! I haven't followed through on my list completely either. I'm only halfway through my level and I started the challenge. :P I'm going to go read your reviews now!

  2. Woot woot, finally reached my goal of 6 classics! :)

    1. That's great! Congrats! I still have 2 more to go, I'm a bit behind. :P


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!