
Friday, September 7, 2012

Question of the Moment: Do you go on book buying bans? (6)

Every time I put together my monthly book haul I always think about how ridiculous it is. Here I am, gaining more books per month than I am able to read. This, on top of the already gigantic pile of books from months previous. Where is the logic? Sure, I can say, “At least I have something new to pick up at all times,” but I’m still a bit frustrated.

I began thinking it would be a good idea for me to go on a book buying ban. My problem there is the eager anticipation of awesome books coming out soon (plus a couple I’ve just discovered). I’m considering a semi-book buying ban where I only buy the few books I’ve been waiting for forever.

Which is why I find myself staring at a cart of five awesomely awesome books waiting out the results of the harsh debate going on in my head.

How about you? Have you gone on a book buying ban? Why? If you haven’t, do you think you’ll ever go on one?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!



  1. I went on a ban between January and June of this year. No book busing or free downloading during that time.
    The good news - I survived! ;-)
    The bad news - I managed to go through with the ban yet my TBR piles didn't shrink much despite the amount of books I read (let's blame it on books for review and winning books *sigh*).
    All in all it was worth the six months of torture. Actually that sounds worse than it really was. With my mountain ranges of unread books it's really not as though I'd be needing new books anyway, but you know how it is ... I do try to behave now that the ban is over and so far, so good.

    1. Wow! I don't know if I could manage a whole six months, but it's pretty amazing you could. And that you've been good since then too. My problem sometimes is stuff like free downloads and really cheap traditionally published ebooks.

      Yeah, that TBR list is always growing. I suppose it is the one thing I manage to take care of--going through my TBR list on Goodreads and taking out several books every few months. It has helped me a lot to keep my pile from looking too daunting. :)

  2. I try not to buy books as much as I used to. And I'm even trying not to enter too many contests anymore, unless they are books I really, really would have bought if I wasn't trying to save money. It's hard. I work at a bookstore and I see books all the time that I want. But I'm getting better. I really need a Books Anonymous group, it is sooooo hard!!

    1. It is hard! Even contests. I'm always excited to enter contests, because it saves me from spending money, but if I win, that's another book to read and review. I'm trying to get books I won read by the end of the year. There should be a Books Anonymous group!! ;)

  3. I'm on a book buying ban as we speak. :) When I realised how many review (and other unread) books I have on my bookshelf, I was terribly shocked. And then I started thinking about the fact that I'm going back to uni in a week and it'll be my busiest year yet and I realised there's no way I'll be able to read all these. So I decided to start saving up some money (I'm moving out late next year) and stop buying books I wouldn't even be able to read. :)

    It's definitely hard but it's not impossible. Best of luck with yours, J! xxx

    1. I was shocked to see the pile on my shelves when I looked a few months ago. It's nice when you have incentive, like being too busy to read, to keep from buying books. I wish I had that, I'm just too tempted. I think I just need to convince myself to read a certain number of books before I purchase one. Thanks for the luck! :D

  4. I've actually been on a semi book buying ban for the last few months and it's hard because there are so many new releases I want to read but at the same time I love the fact that i'm getting a hold on my tbr pile, although I did go out and buy a ton of books this month using my birthday as an excuse.

    1. New releases are getting to me, but I need to resist at least some of them. I'd like to get through a bit of the TBR myself, I think it would make me feel better about buying more. :)

  5. For me I barely buy ANY books. I have to love love them! I mainly get all my books from the library!! I read so much and I don't work right now so I know I would never be able to afford everything I read!!!

    1. I should be going to the library more myself, try these books out. I am pretty good about buying only ones I know I'll enjoy, but sometimes it doesn't work. :P

  6. I buy, buy, buy and the pile remains the same (sometimes it grows, sometimes shrinks). I have tried not visiting Barnes or Amazon, but like a drug calling out to me, I just can't resist. I did have a no buying promise last month - that I broke. Lately I will not visit the store until I have read and gotten rid (swapped, given) of a few. For every three I have completed I allow myself a new book.
    I personally can get hard on myself for the money I have spent, but I don't go out, don't eat out, don't drink, don't like shopping - so I rationalize that all in all I should be comforted that it is books that I spend my money on.

    1. I know the feeling! I get this urge to pull up one of the sites and fill up a cart with some books I really want so often. That's a good system, and one I think I need to start doing, even if it is read two, buy one (although it should be read 3-5, buy one, lol).

      I am the same way! I don't go out to eat much or drink (I still have a pack of wine coolers in the fridge from a couple months ago that I haven't touched, lol). So, book spending is easier and seems practical. ;)

  7. Well, I think we all struggle with buying far too many books but I figure it helps the bookstores stay in business. Which is ironic because Borders didn't make it even though I spent two to three hundred dollars at my local store a month. :( Borders closing sort of forced a book buying ban on me. I still have a B&Ns but I hate it so I don't shop there often at all. My bank account is shelves are not.

    1. That is true! I love buying books when in the store. Closest bookstore to me is B&N, about a 1/2 hour away. I try to go there at least once or twice a month, and every time I do, I usually buy one or two books. I still should taper the buys down a little more. :P

  8. My whole life feels like a book buying ban lol. It's very rare that I buy books because I just can't afford it, and because I have an amazing local library, AND I'm lucky to win a fair few books. When I do buy a book, I give it a lot of thought, which is lame, but I seriously have to decide if I can afford it, vs books lol. I did buy two books last week because they were both a great price, I'd wanted them for a long time, and my library didn't have them. I think for people who buy tons of books, the occasional ban is a good thing...we talked before about setting a goal and saying once you've read X number of books, you can buy another...I think that'd be a good way of doing it if there are books you REALLY rewarding yourself, you know?

    1. I honestly need to just start going to the library again. Mine is pretty good too, since it's part of a branch, I can get books from other libraries transferred. I'm trying hard to work on rewarding myself for reading. Maybe I should make a chart to help. ;) Based on all the comments above, there are a lot of bloggers who have gone on bans, so it shouldn't be too hard. I just need to kick myself in the right direction. :P

    2. I'd die without my library. Mine's part of a branch too so there's mine plus two others in neighbouring towns we can get books if none of them have a certain book you can do an inter-library loan with any library in Ontario, which is pretty cool. I like the idea of a seem like a visual person so that might really help! Give yourself stickers or something, make it really fun! lol

    3. YES! A reward chart with stickers, that would be an awesome idea... I'll have to see what I can come up with. It would even be a hilarious post--help motivate others to go on a "reward yourself for reading books" semi-ban. It could become a fad. ;)

  9. I went threw September with not buying books I'd didn't save any money and I read 6 of my own books so nothing really changed but it was boring.


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!