
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Update Thursday #75

Welcome to Update Thursday, my own personal meme of sorts where I post an update of the goings on at my blog, with reading and writing. Feel free to borrow the idea from me for your own bookish musings.


Books I Finished:

Books I'm reading:


~ If Only We ~ 30,010 ~
~ Before We Knew ~ 11, 449 ~
~ Whatever This Is ~ outlining ~
~ Under Enchanted Skies ~ 1,550/plotting ~
~ Beyond The Horizon ~ plotting ~
~ So I Thought ~ plotting ~
~ Hold Your Breath ~ plotting ~

The latest = So, I got this weekly notepad thing (kind of like this but not sticky notes, just paper) and decided to use it to mark down the specific tasks I want to do every day. For example, finish 1/2 of a book I'm reading, write a review, etc. It's actually working out better than my loose leaf paper list of everything I need to do soon. If I don't do it on the day I intend to, I'll make sure to do it the next day, or the next.

Back to the point... I wrote down that I wanted to write 500 words of my WIP every day. I was hoping that it would be the little push I needed, since it's a small enough goal. Did it work? Yes and no. It took me 9 days instead of 7 to write that many words. Isn't that still a good thing? HECK YES. I wrote more than 3500 words in 9 days. I believe I've found a way to keep me on track. If I can keep this up, I'll have a new word count to share with you at the end of the month, maybe sooner.


Until next time!



  1. Yay, I'm glad you found something that works for you! And that you're moving along with your writing - that's great!

  2. I'm happy you found something that's working for you. Good luck.

  3. Heard great things about Cracked Up to Be!
    I love organizing what I will do each day and setting mini goals, I think it really motivates me to do what I have to do every day. Good luck!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. I'm glad it works for you too! It makes you feel accomplished when you reach the little goals. :) Thanks!


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!