
Monday, March 4, 2019

Titles are hard.

I found myself staring at the screen trying to come up with a title for this post and everything I came up with made no sense or didn't suit the topic. So I finally just said, "Titles are hard," and typed that in, had a good chuckle at the Simpsons reference, and decided it was good enough.

What is this post really about?

Well, I'm easing back into blogging again! And by easing back, I really mean easing back. I don't want to fall into another hiatus or burnout or anything of that nature, so I'm scheduling this post for Monday (it's Friday when I'm writing this). And after I finish writing this, I'll work on posts for the rest of the month. I have sort of an idea of what I'll be doing, and I'm getting more ideas as I'm sitting here, so I feel there's going to be a lot on the horizon.

As I mentioned in my last post, I got a new job in a call center. The early hours ended on the 15th of last month, and I spent two weeks "nesting" on the floor, which basically means getting used to the routine and learning more about things people will ask on the phone. If I'm being completely honest, I had my doubts about this job working out. It was mostly insecurity and anxiety creeping in, but I pushed through it because I knew it could be a really good job for me. I knew I could handle it if I would give myself a chance to adjust to what the job requires. And wouldn't you know it, I've finally reached the point where I'm more comfortable and I'm learning how to do better on my calls.

What is coming up on the blog?

How should I know that? Kidding. I have ideas, as I've said, and I'll tell you a few of them. First off, I'm still going to do my indie author spotlights to bring attention to authors I've either read or want to read. I love supporting self-published authors, so that'll never stop. Second, I'll keep sharing book deals for those looking for save a few bucks or who only have a few bucks to spend.

Now for the new stuff! I want to feature posts about life, lessons learned, writing, reading, television, movies, and anything else that springs to mind that feels relevant to share. Earlier I had the thought that I would like to talk about the TV shows I've been watching lately, and the movies, too. Especially those based on books, since this is a mostly bookish blog. I also watch a lot of YouTube videos, and have been doing a lot of thinking about my past, present, and future and the thoughts I've been having regarding all the above.

I'm hoping that this blog will become something interesting to follow, and I mean interesting in the real sense, not just the "that's interesting" statement people make that means they don't really care. If you know what I mean.

But anyways, I look forward to catching up and I hope that you all have been well. Talk soon!

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