I was browsing on eBay and found a couple lots I may be interested in. My whole problem is that I need to be more... practical... when it comes to my book buying. I want the whole set of both series, of course, along with all The Baby Sitter's Club books (now, that one I was hugely obsessed with when I was 11). But I lack the space. Severely lack the space. Not to mention my mom and brother would have a fit if I started having boxes upon boxes of books coming in the mail (and the lady at the Post Office, she'd be freaking out, as if she doesn't already with me).
Why, oh, why did I sell off my Sweet Valley Twins, Sweet Valley High, and The Baby Sitter's Club books?!? Not that I really had that many (maybe 12-15 of SVT, 10 of SVH, and 35-40 of BSC). I'm glad I kept several books and toys from my childhood. It's just too bad that sometimes we reach a certain point that we drop a bunch of things we once loved in order to move on, or make some money to buy new stuff.
So, anyways. I think one of my next book goals will be to read both series all the way through. I never got to do that when I was a kid. I'll probably go to my library and see what books they have. Maybe I'll make this part of my next year's book goals. As if I don't already have a seemingly endless list of books to read. *sigh*
Does anyone else want to just jump back into their favorite childhood series and pretend you're a kid again? Also, on your Goodreads, have you added all of these types of books to your "read" section? That last part, I am working on.
Anyways, happy reading to everyone! ^_^
PS: "Dorktastic" the new word of the day, meaning to be a fantastic dork. Which probably just makes me more of a dork. ;)
I LOVE the word dorktastic! And I'm right there with you, because at least 1-2 times per year I kick myself for giving away all my Babysitter's Club books. I didn't have all the SVH ones, but some... oh and the modern Nancy Drew ones too! I'd love to go back and re-read the Babysitter's Club series! I wonder if they'd be as good now as then... ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte