Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Replay #12 + Cleaning House

Sunday Replay is a weekly recap of the postings on this blog. I will also be sharing other articles and newsworthy items I've found interesting. I may even showcase some pictures I've uploaded.

Stuff from the blog this week:
In other news elsewhere on the internet..
And... another LOL cat...

~Cleaning House~

My latest project is getting rid of things I don't need. I took 4 boxes to the local thrift store yesterday, and I plan on taking about the same amount again in the coming couple weeks. I just own WAY too much stuff. It all just sits there either collecting dust or sitting in boxes and never being looked at. Plus, after the pain of moving most of it two times, I wouldn't want to ever go through that again, lol. It also feels nice to get rid of stuff, like it's one less thing weighing you down. You know what I mean? So, that's mostly what I've been doing and will keep doing the rest of today. What have you guys been up to?

Much love to all!


  1. I have been doing some cleaning up and reorganizing too. I have taken (or will take 1500) books I have read and don't plan to read again to my local public library for their Friends' book sale. I also have 4 large laundry baskets in my car right now heaped with clothing that will be going to the Salvation Army store after I finish work tomorrow. It does feel like a large weight has been removed from my life.

    1. That would feel like a weight removed from your life! Wow. Good for you though for being willing to get rid of things. :) I have a boxful for my library too, and I'm saving some to sell on eBay and give away on here.

  2. I love these posts! I always find some cool article to read that helps me with my writing. I know exactly how you feel about having way too much stuff sitting around for no reason. I'm almost a borderline hoarder. I admire you urge to purge!

    1. I'm glad to hear that you find something useful for writing! :D I have always had the tendency to hoard... I take after my dad in that way. Then I take after my mom in the opposite way. So I think I have a somewhat healthy balance, sometimes. :P

  3. Whoo-hoo house cleaning. Gonna go check out some posts I missed from you. <3

  4. I wish I could muster up the courage to get rid of some stuff. Because it takes courage. Believe me.

    1. Oh yeah, it does take courage. I have resisted getting rid of some of these things for years. I just finally had to tell myself that I needed to be practical for once. It is still hard though...

  5. Yay for cleaning house! That's a ton of stuff, good for you. I need to do it too but I hate it...I'm a total pack rat and everything has sentimental value to me, even if it's all made up in my mind. My room is a disaster and the rest of my apartment isn't much better, but I just don't even know where to begin. *sigh* I'm thinking that'll be a project for December once things quiet down a bit.

    1. I usually not a fan of it, but I had to be honest with myself... a lot of the stuff I own is just there to be there. It's going to take me the rest of 2012 to finish, that's for sure! Lol. I'm just taking it a section at a time--so one corner is completely organized, and the next one is a heaping pile of a mess, lol. I should share a picture on Twitter, it's pretty funny. :P


Thank you for commenting and happy reading!